“ReHabitat” (class project hypothetical–proposal): update to Habitat for Humanity’s business model to focus on restoration of multi-unit properties.
Build your career, build your home, rebuild your community.

All the maps that’s fit to pin.
Massachusetts to Connecticut to New York to New Jersey to Southeastern Pennsylvania to Maryland to Washington, D.C. to Northern Virginia by rail.

From Florida Farms to Gator Tables
UF, Gator Dining, and Florida farmers are working together to put local food on campus tables.
Church of Logos
What do logos have to do with church then? Well, what does Logos have to do with logos?
Uncle Matt's Organic citrus farm 'uncovering' old, timeless methods
Uncle Matt’s is an extended family of citrus farmers in Clermont. Generations deep, they’ve returned to their roots in the ways they grow Florida’s most iconic crop.

Creativity Draws Visitors to Orlando Crayola Experience
My second-grade class was a test market for Model Magic.

Died in Shed or Shack
I live in a shed. Or, at least I call it, “The Shed”: It might be a Shack? You could call it another short word that starts with “S-H”. It’s certainly a dump.